Solar Consulting

Rooftop (or ground-mounted) solar panels can be fantastic tools for reducing energy costs at your home or building while fighting climate change. But most folks have questions about their particular location, the technology, trustworthy installers, tax credits, etc. Viridiant is here to help:

  • We’ll provide an independent evaluation of your site’s suitability for solar. It’s not at all cost-effective to install panels in the shade or facing northerly.
  • We’ll explain the economics of solar and what might make an installation at your site a good deal or not. We cut through the jargon salespeople may be using and show you real, simple numbers. Our goal is to inform you, not sell to you.
  • We can recommend multiple reliable contractors so you can get multiple bids. Then we’ll help you evaluate those bids! Don’t ever take the first offer you see – especially if the salesperson is pressuring you to sign on immediately. Shop around!

Viridiant is a non-profit organization with a mission to help you make smart decisions about clean energy technology and get the most out of your money. Our staff have more than 20 years of experience helping homeowners, businesses, congregations, schools, and local governments become smart solar shoppers. Before you buy, get some expert advice about the proposal you’ve been offered.

To get in touch, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you within a workday. Or just email or call 804-773-3200.

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