Viridiant to continue Circuit Rider work to implement the 2018 Energy Code

Viridiant is proud to announce that shared funding from the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has been granted to build upon the 2020 Circuit Rider program. With the expansion of the circuit rider program, 10 jurisdictions in the Commonwealth of Virginia will receive complimentary technical assistance, Manual J review, Blower Door and Duct Blaster training, energy code implementation training resources, specialization for code review, and a forum for best practices amongst the jurisdictions.

This work will support Virginia’s implementation of the energy code. Ultimately, this will help Virginians reduce their energy cost burden. Additionally, implementation of the energy code and the technical work being provided by Viridiant will help homebuilders deliver resilient and healthy homes across the Commonwealth. 

Viridiant has confirmed the participation of ten jurisdictions: James City County, the City of Hampton, Fairfax County, the City of Alexandria, Montgomery County, Franklin County, the City of Norfolk, Roanoke County, Warren County, and Southampton County. With the assistance of stakeholder feedback and through the tailored technical assistance offered to the participating jurisdictions, Viridiant will develop 2018 Virginia Residential Energy Code resources. These resources will be deployed to all Virginia jurisdictions.

Viridiant and the Expanded Circuit Rider participants are eager to do the work. Linked are the full resources that were developed from the 2020 program to aid in the 2015 Virginia Residential Energy Code.

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