October is Energy Awareness Month

We celebrate National Energy Awareness Month to spread the word about the importance of sustainably managing energy resources. When you think of the biggest energy consumers your mind might go to the transportation or industrial sectors, but the residential and commercial building sectors actually consume 40% of U.S. energy and 70% of U.S. electricity annually.¹

The building industry represents a huge opportunity to have a positive impact on our environment and energy consumption. Encouraging sustainable building approaches is hard, as is the work to incentivize quality affordable housing. Viridiant’s mission is to advance sustainable, affordable, energy-efficient construction through education and technical support. The EarthCraft program, specific to the southeast mixed-humid climates, has helped thousands of builders, homeowners, and residents create structures that are more affordable, more livable, and more durable. Viridiant continuously works to support the building industry towards sustainability.

Anyone can help raise awareness and take steps toward sustainability. Here are a few ways that you can celebrate this October:

  • “Energize” your neighborhood with energy-themed pumpkins
  • Join the Home Energy Pledge – by signing up you will receive a useful checklist and a 6-page guidebook to help you make sustainable, energy efficient updates to your home.
  • Help turn awareness into action by supporting Viridiant’s mission this October! Any gift helps Viridiant build a more sustainable future for all.

Visit www.viridiant.org/october to learn more about the campaign, we will be sharing energy tips & tricks all month long!

¹U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2016). Electricity Data. Retrieved from http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=86&t=1.

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